
Help us build the movement.

Civic Genius is built through both active partnerships and the support of individuals, foundations, and everyday Americans who seek to restore trust in our democracy.

Become a Contributing Supporter

Civic Genius is laser-focused on the goal of depolarizing our politics. It’s what we think about first in the morning and last at night… but we can’t do it alone. Consider showing your support for the Civic Genius mission through a one-time or recurring gift. Your contribution will help our small-but-mighty team continuously roll out resources that are more timely, relevant, and action-oriented.

Make a Major Gift

Civic Genius is off the ground, but we need your help to scale up our programming and bring it to new audiences. Major gifts to Civic Genius will help us develop new products that reach people — whether they vote in every election or haven’t registered — where they are. We have blueprints for new education and engagement tools that we believe could supercharge our work, and would love to partner with you to make them realities. Our executive director, Jillian Youngblood, is available to discuss various options, as well as the impact your gift will have.

Sign Up

Democracy only works when we do – so let’s get started. Sign up to get tools, news, and invitations to special events that will help us all build a stronger future.

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